alarm pemadam kebakaran listrik otomatis pertama dipatenkan pada tahun 1890 oleh Francis Robbins Upton, [2] seorang rekan dari Thomas Edison. [3] George Andrew Darby mematenkan detektor panas listrik Eropa pertama pada tahun 1902 di Birmingham, Inggris. [4] Pada akhir 1930-an fisikawan Swiss, Walter Jaeger mencoba menciptakan sensor untuk gas beracun. [5] Dia berharap bahwa gas …
Notifier Alarm Pemadam Paging Systems
Paging Systems The Response Paging System offers the latest innovations in wireless paging and monitoring. It’s a cost effective and flexible system that offers the ability to quickly respond to activated alarms. The solution consists of a wall mounted transmitter and antennae that can send programmable messages to designated pagers that are powerful enough to …
Notifier Alarm Pemadam Emergency Lighting Central Battery Systems
Emergency Lighting Central Battery Systems AC/AC Notifier’s AC battery systems are designed to provide up to 3 hours of reliable, continuous power to luminaires, exit signage and other life safety devices in the event of a power failure. They are highly efficient and can be used with a wide range of normal mains voltage fittings which means they can achieve higher light levels than traditional low voltage emergency luminaires. DC/DC DC battery systems automatically provide an alterative power supply in the event of AC supply failure. Notifier systems can be customised to meet a site’s requirements – a wide range of standard ratings are available, and the system is compatible with an extensive selection of batteries with design lives of up to 25 years. Emergency Lighting Central Battery Systems Central battery systems are intended to energise emergency escape lighting and other essential safety equipment in the case of failure to the normal power supply. Notifier offers both AC/AC and AC/DC variants, suitable for most applications.